"Railings" of a Derailed Mind

Monday, September 11, 2006


".. I'm really happy to see him back at the top and I'm really happy to play against him."
says Federer.

Yesterday was the US Open finals and Federer non-chalantly stepped over a small obstacle called Roddick , on his way to US OPN greatness.

Fed was beaming yesterday. Well.He always beams. But yesterday's was different. Think..I heard a few burps too in b/w those crunchy one-liners of his dur the press-conference. Was wondering why?

Now I know the reason. Yesterday Roddick made him sweat just a bit. Just enough to digest some of those bananas that he relishes during the breaks b/w the games.

Somebody please build a machine or something..ala Deep Blue of Tennis. Something deeper or Bluer. Oh..Whatever!!!

Can't see such atrocious talent go waste!!!