"Railings" of a Derailed Mind

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Introducing Krish

I am glad u have approved of me in my short stint as a writer, though the numbers in the comments section is far from being flattering and the wide variety of people who have linked me to their blogs is yet to reach two-digits. But atleast, U guys have allowed me to exist . U have let me pen my thoughts (thoughts? plural? u may ask) , despite those being worthy of a certain Ramapithecus or worse the "virginal stud" Adam himself. Allow me to express my gratitude. And its time, I reward you, for your infinite patience. Don't rejoice! I am not going to stop writing. The lamb is far from being roasted. But I am going to outsource the thinking part that goes with the process to a dear friend of mine, whom u may call Krish (He fears a definite damage to his reputation by associating himself with my blog and hence pleads anonymity).

This ghost-writer-friend of mine has an adulterated mind, in that, he has drunk from myriad fountains of knowledge (and probably urinated in some of them too) , be it the mind-games of Logic and Mathematics , or the string theories of Meta-physics, or chemistry of mental patterns in Psychology,or the progress of man through time for his fight for dominance in History,or the search for truth and atman in Philosophy.

The most striking feature of his personality, however, is his humility. He is remarkably modest for a man of his abilities. When i point out to him , u know , the stuff about the fountains of urine etc , he gives a characteristic shrug and launches into one of his innuendoes. I would like to reproduce one of those, though obviously plagiarized , but so vastly read is he that, i doubt if many of you have come across this piece of prose , which i for one , consider to be the Kohinoor among the many glittering gems in literary-prose. He says:

I will quote F.Scott.Fitzerald to let you in on a little secret in Life. In The Great Gatsby , Fitzerald says
"I bought a dozen volumes on banking and credit and investment securities, and they stood on my shelf in red and gold like new money from the mint, promising to unfold the shining secrets that only Midas and Morgan and Maecenas knew. And I had the high intention of reading many other books besides. I was rather literary in college — one year I wrote a series of very solemn and obvious editorials for the "Yale News." — and now I was going to bring back all such things into my life and become again that most limited of all specialists, the "well-rounded man." This isn't just an epigram — life is much more successfully looked at from a single window, after all. "

So my readers,
Now that the formalities are over, and u know my ghost-writer (much too well , infact)...Here's the deal, man to man. He's gonna think, and i am gonna write . And this scheme would help both the affected parties (with Krish playing the catalyst here).I could hang onto my dear old blogspot, while you people could hang on to the few remaining strands of hair on your head (and not pull them off after reading one of my railings).

So here I start..with a slight nod to my ghost-writer. Krish leans back in his chair and sighs...

There are two types of black-holes. One was the name of a prison in Calcutta where Indian Freedom fighters were tortured and the second..............


  • Don't "shirk" your primary responsibility of a blogger, by riding on "krish". Just be yourself - like that movie title says "I, Me, Myself". Be your krish, na?!

    By Blogger Sankara, at 5:56 AM  

  • Krish morrors some personalities that i have seen in my life , whom i admire. But more than that, i desire a bit of him in me too. Hence i have created an alter-ago, who is not a front, but an ideal.

    By Blogger sirshyam, at 10:01 PM  

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