"Railings" of a Derailed Mind

Friday, January 13, 2006

The Value of Zero

Do we learn or unlearn, in the course of life? Do things become clearer or murkier? Is there any truth behind the supposition" Old-age is wisdom" or to put it more clearly, What does this wisdom mean? Does it mean a wisdom born out of more knowledge about the things that surround us or a common-sense borne-out of realising that they are nothing but man-made creations and hence like its creator, serve no purpose?
For example, Will a fact like " A religion is just a compendium of funeral rites" ever dawn on us?
Is the slate being written on or being erased?
And finally, Will we have infinite knowledge or zero knowledge?

Or is the value of Zero Infinity?


  • Wisdom is not by seeing things around us ibn years gone by but by the direct/indirect experiences you have gained in all the years bygone.
    Am I corrrect ??

    By Blogger Inds, at 9:31 AM  

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