"Railings" of a Derailed Mind

Monday, March 13, 2006


He reached home late today..Like most days. Tired to the bone. Listless to the core.

He looked at his bed. He hadn't slept for atleast 48 hours. But the proximity of the object of his desire , lulled his desire a lot. He didn't need to sleep any more, now that the bed was near-by. But he needed to..he reminded himself.

He flicked away his shoes..without using his hands. He had become a master at that.

He started removing his socks..one at a time. There was an immediate relief,as his pale-white, stinking feet started breathing again. He rubbed the insides of his feet for a while. He liked doing that.

Throughout the day,He had the felt the shirt sticking to the inside of his thighs. His sweat was the glue.He pulled his shirt out of its misery. The air went in and aided by his sweat, cooled his upper body down.
The shirt was too big for him and thence ,hung on him loosely. He walked around like that for a while. He loved doing that.

He then proceeded to loosen his trousers. It was the toughest part. The big button, holding the flaps together, was an obsinate one. He succeeded in his fourth attempt. His fingers had turned crimson-red after the effort.But ,as the biggie gave away, the rest of the trousers slid smoothly down his thin legs and lay there ,hugging his feet, like a pair of big eskimo boots. His thighs shivered in the sudden exposure to the wind. He jumped out of the little heaps. He laughed, as a result.

He then played with this hair for some time, as he continued to walk around in circles inside the room, his huge shirt hiding his underwear..

He wanted to pee. He stood sideways to the lavatory and directed the trajectory after some quick mental calculations. Accurate to the last drop. He then removed his underwear, while his lavatory was being flushed clean. He felt exposed and vulnerable.

He walked back into the room, wearing only his shirt.

He stood under the fan and started removing his shirt buttons, one by one. The ones which had loosened by themselves during the day, he buttoned them back before unbuttoning again. He felt the glue again ,as the shirt was ripped out of his back.
He contined standing under the fan ,but a little more to the sides....for more air.

He removed his spectacles sticking to the back of his ears. He felt the ridge formed there, a reminder to his 10th year of short-sightedness. He then proceed to clean his spectacles with the wet corner of his towel..one lens at a time. He then placed them upon the TV set....upside down..legs pointing upwards. That was the way he liked it

He went under the fan again and allowed the convoluting air reach every nook and corner of his body. He personally inspected every corner for any foreign object or particle.

Finally satisfied with the results of his audit, he placed himself on the bed and immediately, became a foetus.

He first lay on his back.Then on his chest. He then tried the right. Then the left.

Something, still wasn't right. IT was still bothering him..

He suddenly stood up,pulled his hair out, removed his arms and his legs, unscrewed his penis and yanked his head out.

Feeling naked enough, he went back to sleep.


  • "...wanna change my clothes my hair my face.."
    -The Boss in 'Dancing in the Dark'.

    By Blogger Manna, at 2:55 AM  

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